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in the Christian Faith
Gospel Channel
Bible Notes is a growing collection of free online Reformed Bible
Commentaries, eventually including both Old
Testament and New Testament, designed for online Bible study.
In the spirit of the Puritans and in accordance with 2
Timothy 3:16 the contributors believe that the Scripture is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for
instruction in righteousness, and have sought to provide
application for readers of a practical nature, and have also
addressed technical difficulties and questions raised by the
verses. Each Bible Commentary is therefore divided into three
parts: comment explaining the meaning of the verse, personal
application, and answers to question and technical difficulties.
Comments are deliberately kept brief and are designed to
give encouragement to believers and to discover the essence of the
meaning of the verse.
A brief introduction,
outline (contents) and list of purposes are also provided with
each book.
The authors are Reformed Baptists,
subscribing to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith and are
committed to the doctrines of grace and the theology of the
Reformers. They owe a great debt to the commentaries of John
Calvin, Matthew Henry, Matthew Poole, Martin Luther and host of
other Reformed writers.
The 'in progress'
commentaries are being added to as time permits, and in some cases
as material becomes available.
Bible Notes is a Single Page Application (SPA) which has five
panels visible at full screen width. There are five corresponding
buttons at the top of the screen allowing the user to hide or
reveal these five panels. The number of visible panels decreases
dynamically with reducing screen size, but the top buttons allow
hidden panels to be seen. On a mobile device navigation between
panels is also possible via a sideways swipe in either direction.
The application is driven via the Navigation panel on
the left. The user first sees a list of Bible books for which
commentaries (partial or complete) are available.
On clicking on a particular book the navigation tree expands to
show a list of chapters in the book, and at the same time the
introduction, outline and purposes appear.
Clicking on one of the chapters causes the list of verses in that
chapter to be seen in the Navigation panel, and the Scripture text
for the chapter is also displayed.
To see the
comments for a particular verse, either click on the verse in the
Navigation panel, or click on the text of the verse itself.
It is also possible to navigate from chapter to chapter
in the Scripture panel by using the up and down arrows at the top
of the Scripture panel, or to navigate from comment to comment by
using the corresponding arrows at the top of the comments panel.
Text can be dragged up or down by clicking and holding
the left or right mouse key down with the control key depressed.